Monday, April 11, 2011

More old timey folks

Here is some more work I did for the Parks Canada project.
There was a lot of back and forth on these, so I thought it might be interesting to post some process sketches.

For the project as a whole, the art directors wanted the images to stick pretty tightly to the reference images provided. As someone who primarily does more conceptual illustration, it was a constant temptation to stray away from the material provided and add my own spin on things.
It took several rounds of revisions for each set of images, but in the end we did find something that made us all happy.
For some projects you get hired to do your thing, for others more so to provide a service.
This project was a bit more of the latter, but that made it all the more challenging and rewarding in the end.

Thanks to all the fine folks over at Parks Canada for this one!